School Notifications


What: AcyMailer is a school based utility to mass email parents and students within their school.

When: This is for sending newsletters, emails with attachments, emails to specific grade levels, PTA, Etc.

Who: Building administrators have access to AcyMailer. For help contact Vincent

How: AcyMailer is a Joomla web site application. Administrators log into their Joomla site and can send the content out to groups specified in that list.


What: Remind is an “opt-in” notification platform. Teachers and administrators can set up lists associated with courses, clubs, or other student groups. Students and parents can join these lists to receive notifications or messages by text or email about assignments, events, and updates. Messages can be logged and scheduled, and users can unsubscribe at any time.

When: This system is designed for classroom notifications, athletic and club updates, and administrative communications to faculty.

Who: All teachers and administrators in Weber School District can use Remind. For assistance, teachers and administrators may contact Vincent Coates. Parents and students should reach out to their school or teacher for help joining specific lists.

How: Access Remind through or by visiting


What: Kinvo by PowerSchool is a communication platform for connecting parents, students, and teachers. It allows teachers and administrators to send timely updates on assignments, attendance, behavior, and important events. Parents and students can “opt in” to receive notifications via text or email, and they can unsubscribe at any time.

When: Kinvo is used for a wide range of updates, including daily classroom notifications, attendance alerts, behavior updates, and school-wide announcements.

Who: All teachers and administrators in Weber School District have access to Kinvo. For assistance, teachers and administrators can contact Geoff Brooks. Parents and students can reach out to their school or teacher for help with notifications.

How: Kinvo is accessible via the PowerSchool platform.