Weber School District, in compliance with HB 358 and SB 102, has initiated a strict policy and protocol procedure for evaluating all third-party vendors who have access to any student data. Interactive websites and apps collect student data such as location, name, phone numbers, likes and dislikes, routines, and much more. Because of this, Weber School District wants to protect student data, both submitted by the student and generated by these third-party companies. The most common use of student data is in marketing and research, and for selling to companies for a profit. Because of this, Weber School District requires all third-party vendors to sign a Memorandum of Agreement, which specifies that all student data will be transmitted and stored in a secure way, that it won't be sold, and that it will be fully deleted upon request.
In order for a third-party vendor to be approved, they must go through the evaluation steps:
Teachers and Staff will submit the website through Learn Platform (link above)
A Review Committee comprised of Directors, Teachers, and the Curriculum Department will ascertain if the website is aligned with WSD.
The SDSM will go through the privacy policy and terms of service of each submitted website
The SDSM will also view all security protocols listed for the website, including login security.
The SDSM will then send the company a personalized Contract for signature (the NDPA)
When the Contract is signed and returned to the SDSM, one of two things will happen: A. The website will be added to the approved list on Learn Platform. B. The website will be turned over to development for login sync with district servers and then added to the approved list
After websites are approved, their metadata will then be uploaded to SDPC Resource Registry