Weber School District is the sixth largest in the state with nearly 32,000 students and our enrollment is growing. Student enrollment has grown by more than 1,500 students during the past 5 years and is anticipated to grow an additional 1,500 in the next 4 years. Indeed, school district patrons and taxpayers identify student growth as our district’s number one concern, according to surveys regarding the proposed bond conducted by an independent firm, focus groups, and Weber District online surveys. An additional high priority for survey respondents was adequate learning facilities for our students.
Those surveyed also expressed concern about the tax impact of bonds.
These three primary concerns of patrons and taxpayers were addressed by the Weber School Board when it passed a resolution asking voters to approve the issuance of a $97 million bond which would not increase tax rates at all, address student growth and keep up with aging facilities.
First, the Weber School Board has structured its proposal to minimize impact to taxpayers. The issuance of these bonds will require no tax rate increase. This is possible because outstanding bonds have been retired leaving capacity to layer in new commitments. Growth throughout the county also helps to allow new bonds to be funded with increased assessed values.
Second, in an effort to address rapid student growth throughout the county, two new elementary schools are proposed in high growth areas. Additionally, a 12 classroom addition will be added to Fremont High School. Significantly, prior to asking voters for bond monies, the Board implemented wide-spread boundary changes the past two years to maximize efficiency of existing schools. Despite these targeted boundary adjustments, new facilities are needed to handle burgeoning student growth. To further alleviate crowding at the district’s four traditional high schools, and to provide additional options for students and families, Weber District proposes an expansion of Weber Innovation High School. Weber Innovation High School is a magnet school focused on personalized learning using a blended model. Graduates from this school will have earned their associate degree and be highly prepared for college/career. Students from all district high schools are eligible to attend this cutting-edge school.
Lastly, as part of a multi-year replacement plan, Roy Junior High School, the oldest junior high in the district will be replaced by a modern, up-to-date facility.
The Weber School Board does not enter into bond elections without long range planning. The past two bond elections in 2006 and in 2012 were also undertaken with no tax rate increase and where both the need for new facilities and the need to replace aging facilities were accomplished. In the four bond elections held over the past twenty-five years, the Weber School Board has always kept its promises on both construction and tax rates. If the voters approve the current $97 Million bond, the Weber School Board will once again keep its promises with voters, parents and students. Providing a world-class education with modern superior facilities is the WEBER WAY.